Tuesday 14 October 2014

Day 134 & 135 - Auckland to Birmingham

All checked out by 10am and got a few hours to wait before heading off to the airport, so hung around the hostel and played pool.

Got to the airport at about 1.30pm and unfortunately my first flight (Auckland to Sydney) was delayed an hour and a quarter. Landed into Sydney with 45 minutes to spare before my next flight so i ran through the airport to my next gate and it seems i ran the full length of the airport, got the gate 20 minutes before the scheduled departure only to find that flight had been delayed 30 minutes too. On the plane for my second flight (Sydney-Bangkok-Dubai), and settled in for 17 hours on board. Surprisingly it was quite comfortable, 9 hours to Bangkok, 1 hour sat there to refuel and then 7 hours to Dubai. Arrived into Dubai with 2 hours to spare which i was pleased about as i didn't fancy running through Dubai airport because its absolutely massive. A nice hour or so relaxing in Dubai before another 7 hour flight back to Birmingham. Amazingly all this time sat on planes and having quite a bit of room, at one point 3 seats to myself, i didn't manage to sleep at all so needless to say after 35 hours of travelling i expected to be tired when i got back. My brother very kindly picked me up from the airport and dropped me back home, i had planned to get straight to sleep but somehow i was still quite awake so went to my brothers for dinner and to see my two nephews who i've missed quite a bit and it looked like they'd missed me too.

I am truly amazed at how quick the past four and a half months have gone, there were definitely times when i wanted to be home but 99% of the time it was absolutely amazing. I have seen some cultural aspects and learned some history that shocked me, I have seen some truly stunning places, I have done some activities i never thought i was capable of, but most of all i have met some amazing people and made some great friends and i just hope i can keep in contact with them.

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