Saturday 28 June 2014

Krabi - Ao Nang

Day 32 - Krabi

After a restless nights sleep and many people drunkenly pulling my curtain back I decided to find somewhere else and luckily found a hotel for £9 per night, sounds good.

The owner of Slumber Party Hostel very kindly have me a lift to my next hotel as I want particularly happy with my stay there. Kind of interesting ride on the back of his moped with my 2 bags.

Checked in to icheck Inn hotel and it's amazing, air con, massive bed, very nice bathroom and a pool.

Out to watch the beautiful sunset at Ao Nang beach. It was just amazing, spent about an hour just watching the sky change colour and staring at the ocean. Back to hotel just in time as 2 minutes later the monsoon rain hit, so loud battering against the window.

Friday 27 June 2014

Day 31 - Goodbye Bangkok and Hello Krabi

Up for breakfast at 9am and most of the group were a bit worse for wear, even some saying they're still drunk.

Packed and ready to go or separate ways, me to Krabi, Fiona to the islands, Sandra going home, Steph to Africa, Mo to Pataya, Mike not decided. Me and Fi first to leave for our respective airports, it was quite emotional to be honest, sharing this amazing trip with them for a month and now it's not even likely I'll ever see them again. Sandra had some tears bless her, think I'll miss her the most, she's so much fun and always raring to go, always knew how to pick me up when I needed, she's been a great friend.

A quick 1 hour flight down to Krabi and checked into the Slumber Party Hostel in Ao Nang for a couple of nights. Seems a cool place. As it's quite far from the beach spent most of my time in and around the hotel and will find a closer place for tomorrow.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Day 30 - Bangkok

Arrived in Bangkok at 7.30am from the overnight train from Chiang Mai. Was a bit worried about being hungover after all the whiskey but am just tired from the lack of sleep.

Amazingly our rooms were ready when we got to the hotel (first time on the trip when arriving so early). Straight out for breakfast to say goodbye to Nik and Amanda who are leaving us to travel down to the islands. It's been great getting to know them, they have so much energy and are so much fun.

Out for our last night together, only 6 of us left from the start. Went to the Banglampoo area (Khao San Road). Had some amazing street food and an impromptu magic show from the waiter, he was actually really good. Got to test mine and Fionas deal about whatever food the one tries the other has to, scorpions, frogs and some type of grub. It was actually all really nice. Continued into the night drinking and dancing (where no one else was dancing). Got matching wrist bands for the group, we are now the Wolf Pack. It was an awesome night and a great way to finish the trip.

Days 28 & 29 - Chiang Mai

A short 3 hour drive to Chiang Mai. Unfortunately I saw nothing of this city as I lost the first day to the hangover from hell and spent the best part of 5 hours the 2nd day trying to book flights for when the trip finishes, finally managed to get flights to Krabi so I'm looking forward to 8 days chilling by the beach. Luckily I'm back in Chiang Mai on my 2nd trip so I'll get another chance to see it.

Left at 3pm for our overnight train back to Bangkok. A different style of train this time, bunk beds down the side of the train which I preferred to the cabins we had before because we could all socialise easier and talk to fellow travellers. It was an interesting journey as a bottle of whiskey was cheaper than a bottle of beer so as you can imagine alot of alcohol was consumed. Great fun, didn't get to bed until 2am.

Monday 23 June 2014

Day 26 - Mekong River and homestay

Day 26 - Mekong River and homestay

Today was a very early start. 4.30 to give alms to the monks however we were too early so went back and then we were too late. Not a great start to the day.

Then set off at 6.30 for our slow boat up the Mekong to our homestay in a small village (49 families). The boat took 10 hours so lots of sleeping, music listened to, books read and cards being played.

Arrived at the homestay ay about 5pm, this was a lot different top the homestay Cambodia. This wasn't adapted for guests at all apart from mosquito nets, so it was definitely a local experience. Couldn't help but feel wrong about eating some beautiful food in the middle of such a poor village.

In bed for 9pm as another 4.30am start tomorrow for another long, slow boat ride to the Thai border. Couldn't help but feel an inconvenience when we went to bed as our "beds" were in the middle of their living space, felt a little awkward to be honest, didn't sleep well at all as it's just so hot and muggy, I know the locals are used to it but I still don't know how they sleep.

Day 25 - Luang Prabang

Day 24 - Luang Prabang

Day 27 - Laos - Thailand

Today was another 4.30am start to get back on the very slow boat to the Thai border.

Torches needed to find our way back to the boat as it was pitch black. 12 hours on the boat and again alot of sleeping, music listened to, cards played at which our local guide Yang kicked our asses. Off the boat and on to a tuktuk to take us to the border, 10 of us in there including 1 hanging off the back and Mike says "I don't think this is going to have the power to move" and sure enough half way up the first hill the engine cut out and it started rolling back down the hill and only stopped by some alot of locals jumping behind it. Eventually made it to the top because half of us got out and walked. After 10 mins we hear a bang and we pull over to find a tyre had blown. An F1 style tyre change by the driver and we set off again.

A relatively smooth transit through the border although some got stung for paying double, no idea why.

A short drive to our hotel in the border town of Chiang Khong, nothing much to do here but as we've had 2 very hot and sweaty days everyone was just in the mood to lounge by the pool. So pretty much that's what we did, was awesome fun messing around in the pool. I stayed in the pool for 5 hours until midnight which was probably a bad idea as my hands actually hurt they had dried out so much. Great fun though.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Day 25 - Luang Prabang

Today is Amandas 22nd birthday and we started off the day with visiting an elephant sanctuary which was amazing. We got to feed them, ride them and bathe with them (in the river with alot of elephant poop floating around). It was amazing but while it was one of the reputable sanctuaries that actually takes care of them instead of beating them I still couldn't help thinking that the elephants would much rather be out in the wild instead of carrying us around.

Unfortunately Sandra then collapsed in agony with pain from what she thought was a blister. She had to go to the hospital and have it checked out, turns out it was a blister bit it was quite deep and was pressing on a nerve, which was also causing the headache she'd had for a few days. We met back at the hotel later and she said the care she got was quite good and only cost her $21.

Our afternoon was spent at Kuang Si Waterfalls. It was absolutely stunning but very hard work climbing up to the top going up what was just mud. Wad quite fun coming back down though as we actually went down through the waterfalls. Got to one of the bigger pools and swam, the water was so cold :-) and got a free fish pedicure as all the little fish nibbled on our toes.

Out for dinner for Amandas birthday tonight but unfortunately I left them to it as today really tired me out and also came back with Sandra so she wasn't on her own.

One of the best days so far and I think Amandas best birthday too.

Friday 20 June 2014

Day 24 - Luang Prabang

A long 7 hour bus ride to Luang Prabang this morning, around one of the windiest roads I have ever seen, but also some of the most beautiful scenery. Stopped at the top of the mountain to take in the amazing view and also the lovely cold weather :-)

Arrived into Luang Prabang at about 3.30 and straight out to see this beautiful city. Walked down one street and came across 6 or 7 amazing temples. Down to the Meekong River to have dinner with an amazing view. Then to the night market for the girls to pick up some trinkets.

So happy for Amanda and Nicolette who found out today that they both got firsts in their degrees, they are so happy and had a few tears.

Up early again tomorrow to visit an elephant sanctuary and waterfalls.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Day 23 - Vang Vieng

Decided to go cycling up to the blue lagoon last night however we've got our first day of rain so unsure of what to do now as this is an outdoor activities place.

A few have decided to brave the rain and cycle to the blue lagoon. Me and Sandra went a bit later by tuktuk. Was a very nice scenic drive there but bumpy and unfortunately wasn't very impressed with the blue lagoon but it was a nice trip out. Picked up a stranded traveler on the way back who's bike had broke down and she was 30 mins away from missing her bus.

Out for lunch and beers at Gary's Irish Pub, a horribly overpriced Guinness ($5!) and a steak and ale pie, it doesn't get much better, everyone already a bit tipsy. Everybody back to the chalets for a nap except Steph who I think made it her mission to keep everybody awake.

Out again tonight for food and drinks but back early as I know my limit (ish) and food took about an hour to come (Laos is definitely a laid back country).

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Day 22 - Vientiane and Vang Vieng

Unfortunately something I ate last night hasn't sat well so confined to the hotel for most of the day, gutted as I would have loved to have seen more of this quiet City.

Checked out and not particularly looking forward to the 4 hour drive to Vang Vieng but hopefully can last the drive.

The drive went very well, feeling much better and very happy with our accommodation, some lovely chalets on the riverside.

Signed up for kayaking tomorrow but then found out from other groups that they had been tubing ayer or guide had told us it was illegal. So spent an hour trying to find our guide to talk to her about cancelling kayaking and going tubing. Also saw them walking around in vests and swim wear after we were told we had to cover up to respect the culture, however this is a complete tourist town, so the group got a little bit angry as some had actually gone and bought clothes to make sure they were covered up. And also according to out guide the whole town closes down at 10.30pm but the other groups are going out at 9.30pm because places are open until 4am. So unfortunately a bit of a confrontation with the tour leader.

Ended the night with some beers on the patio and chatting about our lives back home, a nice end to the night.

Monday 16 June 2014

Day 21 - Hanoi to Laos

Not much to tell about today, everybody's pretty tired and basically just waiting around the hotel to leave for our flight to Vientiane in Laos.

Sarah and Sylvia left us bright and early this morning, Sarah to go on to China and Sylvia finally going home after an epic 19 months of travelling, somehow I don't think she'll be staying at home for long.

At the airport completely forgot I had my leatherman in my bag so that got confiscated, lucky it didn't go further than that I suppose. Enjoyed possibly the best burger king ever, fast food Oh how I've missed you. A quick 1 hour flight to Vientiane on a propeller plane, my first time and it was incredibly smooth.

Arrived at the hotel and it's very nice and I should be able to sleep in my own bed for a change ;-).

Vientiane is so much different to what we've been used to. Went out for dinner and this city is so much quieter and considering it's the capital of Laos that's surprising but we were told to expect a much more laid back experience and that's definitely my first impressions.

Day 20 - Ha Noi

I nice relaxing start to today after last night's frivolities. Up early as I stopped in a different room to give my roommate some privacy only to find out there was no need.

Back to bed until lunch at 1.30, went walking and got so lost, this city is so easy to get lost in, every street looks the same. Only managed to find our back by pure luck.

Out for dinner and celebrations tonight as it's actually Sandras birthday today and also to say goodbye to Sylvia, Sarah, Gary and Aliss who leave us today. Sad to see them leave, the group has become a family over the past few weeks. Only 8 of us going around to Bangkok now.

Back to the hotel to watch the Germany game for the German contingency in the group. Oh and suck the helium out of the birthday girls balloon. All in all a good day.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Day 19 - Ha Noi

A relatively short 3.5 bus ride this morning to Ha Noi.

Straight in and straight out for a walking tour of the city. Saw stone beautiful sites including the lake and Japanese Bridge, before stopping for food (Bun Cha), and our first taste of Bia Hoi (draught beer which only costs about 20p), very good considering the price.

Out to see a water puppet show which was, shall we say interesting, our guide got a little bit lost on the way and we ended up walking around the whole Lake to where we started. Then out for food and drinks to celebrate Sandras birthday, an absolutely awesome night, happy hour kept getting extended and it was 2 for 1 on buckets which was dangerous. Unfortunately the place closed at midnight otherwise I think we would have been there until sunrise and for some reason the police are used to empty the bars.

Day 18 - Boat tour of Ha Long Bay