Saturday 21 June 2014

Day 25 - Luang Prabang

Today is Amandas 22nd birthday and we started off the day with visiting an elephant sanctuary which was amazing. We got to feed them, ride them and bathe with them (in the river with alot of elephant poop floating around). It was amazing but while it was one of the reputable sanctuaries that actually takes care of them instead of beating them I still couldn't help thinking that the elephants would much rather be out in the wild instead of carrying us around.

Unfortunately Sandra then collapsed in agony with pain from what she thought was a blister. She had to go to the hospital and have it checked out, turns out it was a blister bit it was quite deep and was pressing on a nerve, which was also causing the headache she'd had for a few days. We met back at the hotel later and she said the care she got was quite good and only cost her $21.

Our afternoon was spent at Kuang Si Waterfalls. It was absolutely stunning but very hard work climbing up to the top going up what was just mud. Wad quite fun coming back down though as we actually went down through the waterfalls. Got to one of the bigger pools and swam, the water was so cold :-) and got a free fish pedicure as all the little fish nibbled on our toes.

Out for dinner for Amandas birthday tonight but unfortunately I left them to it as today really tired me out and also came back with Sandra so she wasn't on her own.

One of the best days so far and I think Amandas best birthday too.


  1. That's definitely an amazing birthday!

  2. Sounds like an amazing couple of days, makes my Kent trip sound a bit lame.
