Tuesday 17 June 2014

Day 22 - Vientiane and Vang Vieng

Unfortunately something I ate last night hasn't sat well so confined to the hotel for most of the day, gutted as I would have loved to have seen more of this quiet City.

Checked out and not particularly looking forward to the 4 hour drive to Vang Vieng but hopefully can last the drive.

The drive went very well, feeling much better and very happy with our accommodation, some lovely chalets on the riverside.

Signed up for kayaking tomorrow but then found out from other groups that they had been tubing ayer or guide had told us it was illegal. So spent an hour trying to find our guide to talk to her about cancelling kayaking and going tubing. Also saw them walking around in vests and swim wear after we were told we had to cover up to respect the culture, however this is a complete tourist town, so the group got a little bit angry as some had actually gone and bought clothes to make sure they were covered up. And also according to out guide the whole town closes down at 10.30pm but the other groups are going out at 9.30pm because places are open until 4am. So unfortunately a bit of a confrontation with the tour leader.

Ended the night with some beers on the patio and chatting about our lives back home, a nice end to the night.

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