Sunday 28 September 2014

Day 125 - Wellington

A nice lay in this morning until 10.30, mainly because the clocks have gone forward. The weather is looking much better, bright sunshine but still windy, apparently it's always windy in Wellington.

I've gone for an ambitious plan for the day, trying to take in as many sights as possible working my way to the fat side of the city and if need be I'd catch the bus back.

Started off by heading down to Civic Square and saw the Town Hall and Gallery which was, shall we say, interesting. One particular exhibit was about time i think and consisted of a room which a constantly moving machine and 5 video walls and played about 20 minutes, still have no idea what i actually watched to be honest. Another exhibit was described as middle earth on steroids.

From there i headed to the Wellington and Maritime Museum which again was good.

Then i went to see the Government buildings including the Beehive, then onto the Cathedral which was just ugly, looked quite new and boring, almost just plain concrete. From there i went to see Old St Pauls which was a lovely old timber Church in middle of new high rises, much nicer than the Cathedral.

Now it was time to head back to the hostel and although i was hurting i decided to forgo the bus and to walk/hobble back, an hour later i finally got back for a much needed rest, at least if i don't feel upto it tomorrow i know I've at least ticked alot of boxes today. Unfortunately I've just looked at the photos I've took today and 95% of them have been corrupted so i won't be able to show you how lovely this city is.

Spent the evening relaxing my sore muscles and finishing my book.

1 comment:

  1. What a shame about the photos. I had some corrupted once in cold weather and had to change the memory card. Hope your aches are better tomorrow.
