Sunday 31 August 2014

Day 97 - Auckland-Paihia

An early start today to start my Kiwi Experience trip, 7am on the bus and heading up to Paihia.

Arrived out about 12pm and checked into quite a nice hostel, the other people on the trip seem quite cool too.

A few of us decided to go on an ambitious 14km walk but i quit about half way there and headed back into town to check it out and then back to the hostel. Paihia is a really nice little coastal town.

Out to the hostel bar on the night for BBQ quite a few drinks and to get to know the group, a really good first day of the trip.

Days 95-96 - Auckland

I knew New Zealand was going to be colder but i didn't appreciate just how much colder, so took a bus out to Kmart to get me some cheap warmer clothes.

After doing a bit of reading on Auckland i found that there's not much to do here at all, so i spent most of the 2 days engrossed in my book and trying to avoid my roommate who want best pleased that she had to share her room even though she was in a 4 bed dorm. She had spread herself out so much that when i first walked in i didn't think there was a free bed.

Also walked up to the Art Gallery which was had some more "interesting" modern art as well as some older stuff which i could actually appreciate.

Day 94 - Cairns to Auckland

Not the best start to my day. Found out my New Zealand travel card from the safe place i hid it, only to find that it had snapped right down the middle, rang them to arrange for a new one to be sent out as i knew where I'd be for the next 3 days, and they tell me that it will take 5 days to get there, awesome. Fortunately it still works even though is hanging by a thread holding itself together.

Then the shuttle i had booked to the airport was 30 minutes late, glad i played it safe and booked an earlier time.

Then checking in at the airport i find that STA hadn't added any luggage allowance to my flight even after i queried it with them, so had to fork out $120 to check my bag, awesome considering the flight was only $200.

Landed in Auckland at 6pm and took until 7.30 just to get out of the airport, NZ seem to be even more strict about what you can and cannot bring into the country.

Got into Auckland and checked in by 8 and by this time i was so shattered that i quickly grabbed something to eat and went to bed.

Days 92-93 - Cairns

After 2 busy long days i decided to do nothing at all, just getting ready for New Zealand, walking around and finding spots to do some reading, I'm glad I've found my passion for reading again. Currently going through Dan Browns work.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Atherton Tablelands pictures

Day 91 - Atherton Tablelands

Up again early for our 7.20 pick up, Conny again joining me which is cool.

Jimi our guide for the day greeted everyone with a hug. And amazingly after 5 minutes of meeting all 20 of us he could remember all of our names and where we were from. Jimi was an absolute legend all day, so funny and always getting everybody involved. By far the best tour guide I've ever had.

We had about an hour to our first stop at Lake Eacham. Jimi had developed a nipple rating system for how cold the water was going to be and our first was a 4.5 apparently. Probably about right because once you were in for a minute or so it was Ok. On the way to Lake Eacham we stopped off to see a 500 year old Strangler Fig Tree called the Cathedral, it was absolutely huge, big enough that all 20 of us could get inside of it for a photo. 

From there we went to a little town called xxxxxx which has the biggest wooden pub in the southern hemisphere, I love it how they always boat about the having the best things in the southern hemisphere, they haven't exactly got much competition.

From there to Dinner Falls and The Crater, The Crater was exactly how it sounds and on the way Jimi had picked up a rock to throw into the water below, the sound was absolutely immense. At Dinner Falls (9 on the nipple rating) one of the guys did his ice bucket challenge and then jumped into the water, amazing place to do it. This was definitely sine of the coldest water I have ever been in, as soon as you touched it you wanted to get back out.

From there we headed to Millaa Millaa falls which is an amazingly beautiful waterfall where apparently the L'Oréal hair flick commercial was filmed, as was Peter Andres music video. Definitely the highlight of Australia for me was swimming underneath the waterfall standing the other side and seeing lots of little rainbows, absolutely stunning.

Then on to Josephine Falls for our last swim of the day, here there is a natural water slide in the rocks which is so cool to go down.

An absolute amazing day.

On the night most of the group meet up at PJ O'Briens for food and drinks which was so much fun, meet some really cool people on this trip.

Definitely one of the best days I've had in oz and what a way to finish my oz trip.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Day 90 - Great Barrier Reef

Up at 6.30am to head down to the pier for 7.30am. Conny has booked into my hostel too so she's coming on the snorkeling trip as well.

A nice walk in the chilly morning air down the esplanade, when we first saw the boats we were a little disappointed as they were all big ferry style boats, but once we saw ours we were happy, a massive sailing catamaran.

60 passengers aboard and lots of forms to fill out (health and safety). 2 hours out to our first snorkeling spot, a little sand Island just off the reef. The coral was absolutely amazing, all different colours and shapes and some parts so shallow you could actually touch it.

Back on and short 10 minute journey to our next spot, more in the sea and very rough. Really difficult to snorkel as the waves kept filing the tube. But still amazing, I enjoyed going to the edge and staring over into the deep chasms below.

2 hours back to Cairns, this time with the sail up. I love sitting on the front as the boat goes up and down over the waves. One guy decided to suit in the nets at the front and kept getting absolutely drenched, at one point he was told to hang on otherwise he could washed overboard.

Amazing trip followed by drinks and food at the Wool Shed with some friends we made on the boat.

A great day!

Thursday 21 August 2014

Days 87-89 - Misson Beach to Cairns

A short drive up to Cairns from Misson Beach and checked into Globetrotters, got here at 1.30 and found that receipting wasn't open until 5pm so quite a long time hanging around.

Spent the first 3 days just walking around the city, finding nice places to just sit and relax and read my book, it's a nice city but not much to do here, most attractions are day trips out of the city.

It's been a really nice chilled start to my last week in Australia.

Day 86 - Misson Beach

Up at 8am add didn't sleep very well. Went and sat on the beach for a couple of hours, sent a congratulations message written in the sand to my cousin who had just got married. Hopefully she liked it.

Back to the hostel and Nina dragged me on a walk up the coast trying to find a lookout, after 2 hours of walking we didn't find it so turned back, it was a nice walk though through some rainforest and along the beach. After the long walk back I just sat and read and fell asleep, a much needed nap.

Another night of sitting around chatting and drinking, an old Australian guy was stopping in my room, was quite funny listening to his drunken stories.

Another good day.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Day 85 - Magnetic Island to Mission Beach

Checked out and ready to catch the 10.40 bus to the ferry. A short 15 minute drive but stood up all the way struggling to stay stood with my backpack on, definitely gave my arms a good workout. Bus was a bit late so straight onto the ferry and leave beautiful Magnetic Island.

Off into Townsville and the Greyhound was already waiting. A good job it was really as a group of 8 women had at least 5 bags each (you're only aloud 2) and various bits and pieces, they nearly filled the storage on their own, the driver didn't look very happy.

Nearly 4 hours upto Mission Beach, picked up by the hostel and drive back. The hostel is a lovely little place and so quiet and everyone so friendly. A 20 second walk to the beach.

Took a walk up the beach with Nina who I'd just met at the hostel, a nice hour spent walking the beach and chatting. Back to the hostel for Domino's (pizza not the game) night, the manager made the long 50km trip to pick up the pizzas, 2 hours to get there and back, amazingly they were still warm. She also brought back a box of goon (wine) for everyone to share. Some of the guys let me buy some beers off them too so it was a good night drinking and chatting, however I was made to sit and watch an "iconic" Australian film, Red Dog. There's 2 hours of my life I'm not getting back.

A nice first day in a very chilled out place.

Monday 18 August 2014

Day 84 - Magnetic Island

Tried to get up for the sunrise as planned last night but to no avail. Got up at 8.30am and meet up with Conny and Katie who did manage to get up.

The plan was to walk to Horseshoe Bay on the opposite side of the island, a short 12km walk, however I got half way and my knee started playing up so I left the girls to it, had a rest in the beautiful and deserted Geoffrey Bay before heading back to the hostel.

Spent the afternoon reading on the balcony overlooking the sea, was pretty good to be honest. Also worked out that I should have enough money to stay in a hotel for a couple of nights in Cairns before heading to New Zealand ☺

Conny got back at about 5pm so had dinner drinks. Found out that Katie had managed to get a free sailing trip with some guys who wanted some company, she got ay 8pm. Had a few more drinks and had an early night.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Day 83 - Airlie Beach to Magnetic Island

Checked out early due to another crap nights sleep. Waited around for Conny who I met on the boat as we're both heading to Magnetic Island. Had a slow walk up to the bus where we met our driver who insisted on showing us his odd socks, a very happy chappy bless him.

A 5 hour journey up the coast to Townsville, we arrived at 2.10pm and luckily made it for the 2.15 ferry. A short 20 minute journey over to Magnetic Island, from the sea it looks incredible.

Onto a public bus for a 15 minute drive to the hostel and is absolutely amazing, right on the beach, my room has a particularly beautiful view with a balcony jutting out over the rocks below on the beach. I can see why people spend weeks here.

Out for a quick walk back to the main town with Conny and Katie who we met on the bus as there is nothing at all around the hostel.

Back to the hostel for drinks and food, and later bingo, which was great fun watching everyone get really into it and having to do certain things when particular numbers were called. Katie managed to win a pink elephant she had been eyeing up from the grabber machine, on the first attempt I might add, never seen anyone so excited!

A great day and an amazingly beautiful place!

Sailing the Whitsundays

Saturday 16 August 2014

Day 82 - Airlie Beach

Decided to stay an extra night in Airlie because of how wet all me clothes got on the boat and need to wash everything. Unfortunately my room was booked for the extra night so had to check out and check back in to a different room. So used the 3 hours I had to wait to get everything washed.

I think I caught the sun a little bit too much in the few hours it was shining on the boat because I pretty much slept the whole day once I checked back in.

Another rubbish nights sleep thanks to someone getting back at 3am and their key not working, so if it wasn't enough she woke me up to let her in she then proceeded to have sex with the random guy she'd brought back with her, classy!

Day 81 - Whitsunday Sailing

Up at about 7.30am and everyone feeling surprisingly Ok despite the alcohol that was drunk. Unfortunately so raining but not as bad and not much wind si the sea was a lot calmer.

Today was snorkeling day so we headed off to our first spot, it took me a while to get used to the breathing but I got it in the end, saw some really cool stuff, coral and colourful fish, was quite good. We then headed off to our second spot where half the group went diving and the test of us snorkeling and we were told we would see much more. I can't explain how many fish were in this spot, all swimming around you, there must've been thousands, all different and so colourful, some even looked illuminous, I even found Nemo! The coral was amazing too, again some appearing illuminous. It was absolutely spectacular. None of us wanted to get out.

Eventually we got out and lunch was ready, definitely the best I've eaten since being out here.

Then it was the long journey back to Airlie Beach. We saw a few whales, one that kept slapping is fin on to the sea, looked as though it was waving at us. The sun finally made appearance and everyone was very happy to say the least. We were making good time so the Captain decided to stop and let us have a swim in the ocean, lots of back flips and bombs from the boat, was quite cool.

Arrived back into Airlie at about 4.30pm and all headed back into town to our respective hostels, most of us stopping at the same ones which was good.

We headed to the Down Under Bar where a table had been reserved for us for an after sailing party, a great night of food and drink before we went back to the lads hostel to finish the rest of the goon and some more drinking games. Wasn't too late a night as everyone was pretty tired.

An absolutely amazing trip and great experiences, I'm not sure it would've been as good if we didn't have the rain and wind, not for me anyway, I feel like I had a proper sailing experience, it was awesome bro (as the captain would say).

Thursday 14 August 2014

Day 80 - Whitsunday Sailing

Checked out at 6.30am, a little early but was wide awake. A slow walk in the rain upto the marina, waited by the what I thought was the Barcelona Cafe to meet the group. It wasn't until I read the sign fully that it said Barcelona Cafe in 500m, so ran up and was still waiting 15 minutes as the crew wasn't ready.

The rain was really pouring now and so we boarded, the boat can take 22 passengers, luckily there were only 11 of us so it should be nice and comfortable. We set off, all out on deck in our lovely rain coats. Once we got out to see we (me and Josh) hoisted the main sail, which was really quite difficult.

Our first destination was to Whitehaven Beach, and on the way the wind was really rough and the boat was crashing over the waves, which was amazing to experience. The two French guys at the front of the boat dancing away in the rain hanging on for dear life will be one thing I'll never forget.

Arrived just as the rain stayed to ease off and all piled into the dingy to head over to the land. Had a walk through the forest to some lookouts for some photos and then down onto the beach, where unfortunately it started raining again, that didn't stop some going for a swim though, figured we were so wet anyway that it didn't matter. The beach was amazing, so big and that was with the tide in, can't imagine how big it would be with the tide out.

Back on the boat we had lunch and Oyster (not his real name) had prepared some amazing and massive food for us, we were definitely going to be fed well.

From there we set sail again in the rain to head for our overnight spot in a bay so it would be nice and sheltered, from the wind at least.

Settled down and that's when the drinking games started and unfortunately white wine or goon add they call it here was all that was on offer, so to say it got a bit messy would be an understatement. I ended up staying up until 1.30am with James, a 17 year old lad who hadn't really drank beige and was feeling a bit worse for wear. He was Ok in the end though.

Despite the weather it was a great day and I think we had an authentic sailing experience.

Day 79 - Airlie Beach

Arrived into Airlie at 7am after another horrible journey. Australia is one of the few countries with financial stability, I know the main reason, they don't spend any money on the roads. Also had 2 meal stops at midnight and 4am, who eats then?

The bus dropped us well outside of town after driving straight past where everybody would be staying, so had to walk 30 minutes back into town to the hostel. Obviously far too early to check in so dropped my bags off and went for a walk, didn't end up walking far though, ended up on a bench by the seafront and nearly fell asleep. Went to pick up my boarding pass for sailing tomorrow and I am on a boat called Siska which has sailed in and won a few yacht races (glad I didn't get the Spank Me boat I've been hearing so much about).

Airlie Beach is a beautiful little town, very nicely presented and very clean as is the rest of Australia I've seen.

Back to the hostel to check in at 11am and again nearly fell asleep in reception waiting for the room to be cleaned.

Needless to say the rest of the day was spent sleeping and rearranging my bags as there is a 10kg limit so my big bag will be stopping at the hostel.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Day 78 - Hervey Bay and night bus

One of the best nights sleep I've had since being in Australia. Eventually got up at 10.30, walked down to the sea front again and to have a look around and make some phone calls to confirm other trips.

Decided to walk up to the bus station instead of catching the bus, wish I hadn't as carrying my 30kg of bags was hard work, arrived at about 3.30 to get something to eat but just ended up reading until the bus got there.

On the bus at 5.15pm to head to Airlie Beach. Not the most exciting of days but a much needed rest day.

Fraser Island Photos

Surfing in Byron Bay

Rainbow Beach Photos

Noosa Photos