Wednesday 20 August 2014

Day 85 - Magnetic Island to Mission Beach

Checked out and ready to catch the 10.40 bus to the ferry. A short 15 minute drive but stood up all the way struggling to stay stood with my backpack on, definitely gave my arms a good workout. Bus was a bit late so straight onto the ferry and leave beautiful Magnetic Island.

Off into Townsville and the Greyhound was already waiting. A good job it was really as a group of 8 women had at least 5 bags each (you're only aloud 2) and various bits and pieces, they nearly filled the storage on their own, the driver didn't look very happy.

Nearly 4 hours upto Mission Beach, picked up by the hostel and drive back. The hostel is a lovely little place and so quiet and everyone so friendly. A 20 second walk to the beach.

Took a walk up the beach with Nina who I'd just met at the hostel, a nice hour spent walking the beach and chatting. Back to the hostel for Domino's (pizza not the game) night, the manager made the long 50km trip to pick up the pizzas, 2 hours to get there and back, amazingly they were still warm. She also brought back a box of goon (wine) for everyone to share. Some of the guys let me buy some beers off them too so it was a good night drinking and chatting, however I was made to sit and watch an "iconic" Australian film, Red Dog. There's 2 hours of my life I'm not getting back.

A nice first day in a very chilled out place.

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