Saturday 5 July 2014

Day 40 - Bangkok & night train to Chiang Mai

Woke up a little bit late, 11am, was supposed to meet the group at 8.30 for a boat trip, not sorry I missed that though, had my fill of boats for the time being.

The group got back about 12.30 and four of them have severe hangovers. Two threw up while they were out, one in a plant pot at the temple!

Most people went for a swim, the lads used a water bottle to throw around, amazing how long it kept them occupied.

Met at 4pm for the train at 6pm, surprisingly at the station way too early! On the train some people played cards and got drunk, some slept, some read, I used the time to plan my Australia trip.

I'm really struggling to connect with any of the group as i'm the oldest by a long way and their interests are so far different to mine, basically they just want to get drunk, go to clubs and watch ping pong shows. I've got nothing against them, I suppose I was like that at 18.

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