Friday 11 July 2014

Day 45 - Chiang Mai to Bangkok

A late start to the day, woke up at 11am after last night's drinking. Missed breakfast and need to be checked out for 12. Just a day of lazing around the hotel and pool and of to catch the night train to Bangkok at 4pm.

At the train station and stepped on to the train to have a nasty surprise as it was far worse than the other trains we've travelled on. Luckily our guide had took us on to the wrong train, on the right train and found out we can't drink for 2 days as it's a Buddhist holiday, a lot of the group weren't happy as some were leaving us in Bangkok and had booked on to the Khoa San Road (a pure party road).

Lots of cards being played and James was showing us some card tricks, very simple but quite impressive. In bed for 9pm as most of the carriage were asleep.

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