Tuesday 29 July 2014

Day 63 - Byron Bay

Woke up at 10.30 to an empty room, can't believe how long I've slept, must've needed it.

Out for a walk down to the beach and bought some new swim sorts. Must've lost some weight or sizes over here are bigger.

Back to the hostel to get ready for surfing. I get to the pick up point and there's 3 friendly faces from my journey up to Byron and there's 3 girls from my room at the hostel. On the bus to the beach our inductor James is telling us all the dos and donts, I don't think he could be more of a typical surfer dude, a really nice guy. Down at the beach we squeeze into our wetsuits, me squeezing more than most. He gets us doing some warm up exercises which I'm glad to say some people struggled with and I didn't 😊. Then trying out our technique of standing up on the board on dry land. Then out into the sea we go. Oh my god it's so hard, I struggled to even lay down on the board. I managed to stand up once and got a high five from the instructor which made me fall off. Then back to the shop to see all the photos they had taken, some really cool ones and considering I only managed to stand up once they managed to catch it.

Back to the hostel for a shower and a rest because it is really hard work!

Spent the night chatting with my roommates until they went out at 11pm and I sorted my bag out to check out early in the morning to catch my bus.

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